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doomfist main

Someone who likes to fist girls

Girl: My boyfriend is such a Doomfist main, his entire arm was in me.

by Sansesssssss September 5, 2017

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Doomfist Mains

People that are virgin and do not deserved to play Overwatch.

He is such a Doomfist Mains!

by DeleteDoomfist September 17, 2020

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Palermo, Maine

A small town in the state of Maine. Also known as the "fuckin stick".

Paul: "Hey Hick Jones...been to the fuckin sticks today?"
Hick Jones: "Oh...Palermo, Maine...no, but tomorrow I will."

by timmahx812 July 19, 2009

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Main Bitch

A 'Main Bitch' is the person ( female ) that is most present in a music video but isn't one of the main singers / vocalists. But she is the only woman to sing a verse or two in the music video. This usually indicates that she is also having sex with the male who is the main singer / vocalist.

hey! Have you seen that Main Bitch in those 'Little Big' videos?

by judicium est cuivis December 21, 2019

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Waldoboro Maine

Where the most disgusting, disrespectful, std/hiv piece of trash rednecks, sluts, stoners, and emos resign.

"Dude, this girl from Waldoboro Maine just messaged me on Facebook!"
"Stay the fuck away from her yo, her whole family is incest and i heard she got herps from her cousin dad brother uncle"

by bitchassniggaho June 24, 2015

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soldier main

A character in Overwatch that 12 yr old COD players always play, due to his meta gun and ability to gain aimbot every 2 minutes. Most players play him because of unresolved daddy issues and a bad father figure, and a lack of skill. They also tend to steal POTG because there is always a support boosting them.

Person 1: Hi I'm a Soldier main!
Person 2: Did you cry when your daddy left?
Person 3: Soldier mains are notorious for stealing play of the game.

by Not_a_Overwatch_Weeaboo June 16, 2017

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Jonesport Maine

Jonesport Maine is a stupid town in downeast Maine. The most know feature of Jonesport is incest. If you live in Jonesport your family tree is a wreath.

In Jonesport Maine your mother might also be your sister.

by ihgosfl. August 30, 2011

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