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Chappaquiddick Special

Refers to the act of drowning a woman in the toilet, while banging her from behind.

I just pulled a Chappaquiddick Special on the receptionist in the bathroom - don't tell anyone!

by MickHack September 3, 2009

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Schweickart Special

A blow job received from a self-specialized sophomore at OU; the best experience of my life.

Hey, that Schweickart special Sammy got the other night on the John sounded horrific.

by Brutus Buckeye October 2, 2007

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Tennessee special

The act in where a female sits on a gear shifter facing the rear of the vehicle, while performing oral on the male passenger in the rear of the vehicle while simultaneously servicing both males in the front seats with her hands.

I wish we could find a chick to give us a Tennessee Special tonight.

by Mike Honchar May 27, 2017

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Egon Special

When you stuff a chick's vagina full of marshmallows, then you and a buddy bang her in the same mallow filled hole and cum at the exact same time (crossing the streams) resulting in your dick being covered in a sticky, marshmallowy mess when you pull out. And if that isn't awesome enough, I'm pretty sure you get to nail Sigourney Weaver afterwards!

"We were camping and my ladyfriend got sick of toasting the marshmallows so she asked if I could give her an Egon Special"

by DoBeDe May 10, 2009

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Musharraf Special

An unexplainable phenomenon primarily encountered in Pakistan wherein prison inmates awaken with light bulbs mysteriously lodged within the anal cavity. Oftentimes patients will blame the mystery on other prisoners or guards, contending that the heinous act was performed under sedation and without consent.

I was jailed in Pakistan for showing some ankle and woke up with a strange pain in my ass--turns out I was a victim of the much-dreaded Musharraf Special. But hey, I guess it could have been worse.

by Pakistani Guy July 1, 2006

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Special Sauce

The Special Sauce of a restaraunt, its recipe is secret. Its not giz

This special sauce is good, but its not giz.

by Sphinctar May 8, 2003

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sexton special

When you eat something and it turns out poop is in it.

Billy: Dude give us free food!

Employee: Ok, dude.

Billy: Thanks fag!

Employee: (to other Employee) I wiped my ass with his burrito shell. Its a sexton special.

by Andy! April 1, 2007

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