It's the statement that means that someone won't be in a relationships ever again
-yo, man, what is up?
-bro, it sucks, i will never be like :(
When you refuse to like any posts/pictures of a facebook 'friend' because they never like any of your posts/pictures
Douchebag David posted a picture of his kid but Pancho "dis"liked it because Douchebag David never likes any of his posts.
The Thing is like This ( ttilt)
The Thing is like This ( ttilt) i need an help
To tell someone is intelligent or high IQ. Earl-like also refers to the people who do what they like and are not bound by any rules. Earl-like people refer to rogue individuals but with a clever goal in mind.
It was Earl-like when you answered that questions.
The act of liking a facebook status / link that implies one's demise due to a self inflicted deadly act. This is considered by many an asshole move.
"The game of life is hard to play
I'm gonna lose it anyway
The losing card I'll someday lay
so this is all I have to say. "
Go fuck yourself bitch. Say something likable and I'll like it if I feel like it. You're like a fucking panhandler except NOT treated with contempt by the broader society.
Shit head "Hit that like button!"
Hym "Do I answer to you!? Does Joe Rogan beg for likes? Did you say something that I liked just there? Do you know? Did the people who looked you up leave a like? There. There are your likes motherfucker. It's implicit in the act of asking for likes that you don't have faith in your work. YOU KNOW that you're trying to artificially inflate the perception of your content by pleading with people to hit the like WHEN THEY OTHERWISE WOULDN'T WISEASS. Do I do that? I couldn't people to stop liking it if I tried. Literally. You know you're a bum for that. I'll hit the like button if I feel like hitting the like button. What have you done for me? Not a single thing. I didn't by the way. I didn't hit the like button. I had an open mind about it when the video started and then you started asking for likes and now you better hope you say something profound. Which you won't. Let's see YOUR Netflix anime adaptation ya fuckin chump."
Is a vivid and crude way of describing severe trauma or injury to someone's testicles (potatoes), implying they have been so badly crushed or damaged that they are no longer in their normal shape or condition. This expression is used to emphasize the extent of the injury and the extreme pain associated with it.
Guy 1: Fuck he crushed his nuts on the rail!
Guy 2: I bet he has balls like mashed potatoes now!