A kid who is less then pleasant to be around.
Tommy is being a Grouch-a-sourus today.
n. Person more interested in complaining than solving.
My husband hates our government but he will not make the effort to vote. He is a total grouch potato.
The act of having sex with a midget on a trash can so that they are the same height as you.
He made an "angry grouch" when he banged that midget stripper after her show so hard he knocked her off her trash can. She was pissed.
Someone with a stank ass attitude
Wow your attitude sucks you’re being such a grouch-pus !!
Grouching out so hard on OxyContin that you nod out and drive straight across a rotary.
Dude, did you see the rotary today? Someone pulled an ultimate grouch and pulled right through it.
A tomato who is very nice and cares for everyone around her even if she is on crack
"Oh Stacy is such a Gibbi Grouch"
When you fill her with cum, then while she cleans up, you dump garbage on her head.
I know it’s real love cause she didn’t leave me after I pulled an Oscar the Grouch.