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Better Friday

The friday after Good Friday, where you can actually do all the things you gave up for Lent, that you wish you could have done on Good Friday, but had to wait to do on Better Friday.

I cant wait till Better Friday. Then, I can actually climax inside the broad i find tonight.

by da ho April 3, 2010

footjob Friday

On Friday, September 8th. You may receive a footjob from your significant other any time and any place

โ€œHey bro, you ready for footjob Friday?โ€
โ€œHell yeah!โ€

by notskyler September 4, 2023

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Dungeons Fridays

Dungeons Fridays is a, slang term for a game show on tv.

Hey mum can you change the channel my favourite dungeons Fridays is on.

by Muntedmango#3504 March 1, 2023

Twerk Friday

( 04/22 )
Twerk on someone .

Twerk Friday Just go and dance on someone go craazy and stupiid!

by Mariie April 21, 2019

black friday

in the united kindom it is the last friday before christmas when everyone gets amazingly drunk. the cops are given higher powers to deal with this situation.

aye, its black friday. lets go down to mickey's pub and get smashed.

by josh rain1 November 26, 2006

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Friday person

A person who is always excited on Thursday night because the next day is Friday. This person may sit up a little later on Thursday because shit, tommorow is Friday and even it they are a little tired on Friday, they generally get an extra burst of energy at the thought of having two days off. This person usually has a good day on Friday and may even be able to put up with a little extra bs, just because its the weekend and they are sooo looking forward to it. This person also generally begins to look forward to Friday on Monday when they arrive at work and on Friday's they usually countdown the hours until they get off

Angela on Monday morning: Hey girl, did you have a good weekend?
Me: Is it Friday yet???
Angela-You're such a Friday person!!!


Tom: It's late, don't you have to work tommorow? What time are you going to bed?

Me: Well I figured since tommorow is Friday, I would catch Family Guy at 11:30 or shop on Ebay for a little while

Tom: Oh, I forgot you were a Friday person

Me: "I can't wait til 2:30, that's when the weekend begins
Boss @ 2:25-"I need you to make 100 copies of these 3 sheets for Monday?"
Me (thinking to myself) "She betta be glad its Friday"

Me @ 12:30 p.m.-Whew...two more hours
Me @ 1:30 p.m.-Oh, yes, one more hours
Me @ 2:25 p.m.-DEUCES!!!!


Me: Damn, it's 6:00 a.m. already? I just went to bed at 4:30! Well, at least its Friday and I can catch a nap when I get off and sleep in on Saturday

by Sxe_chocolate September 10, 2009

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friday hair

when a girls hair is incredibly unkept because of going to sleep drunk after a night of partying. not uncommon is to find little pieces of food and clumps from drooling while sleeping.

this most often occurs on friday after a late thursday night but the girl is to lazy to do her hair because she knows she will have to when she goes out again later that night.

tony: omg look at that coke addict, she looks a little like sara, that whore deff has aids

rachel: no, that IS sara, looks like shes suffering from a case of friday hair

by itaub1 May 19, 2009

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