Aspergerβs Syndrome (AS) is a neurodevelopmental condition related to the autism spectrum. Affected individuals (usually of normal or above average intelligence, capable of intense focus, strong attention to detail, painstaking adherence to policies and procedures, unorthodox problem-solving and high productivity in the areas of their interests and aptitudes) are prone to motor coordination impairments, sensory oversensitivities, have difficulty interacting socially along βunwritten rulesβ, reading nonverbal language or navigating workplace politics, may prefer solitary activities and are often viewed as eccentric. As a tragic result, many end up un- or underemployed and on the receiving end of prejudice , bullying , negative stereotyping, harassment and discrimination.
Here's a victory story about a SoCal woman with Asperger's Syndrome who stood firm and fought a good fight -- and won her case against an employer! It's people like this who make life better for Aspies who are not able to break through on their own, who rely on others to carve a path that they can follow. I'm grateful for those with the ability to make a difference such as this woman has done. Just read. It will warm the cockles of your heart and make this Thanksgiving Day better!
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A person whose happiness if measured on a happy o' meter would behave sinusoidally (the graph would look like a sine wave).
If Fred's happiness varies sinusoidally because he has sinusoidal syndrome and he is completely sad (0) at time 5.2 and goes to completely happy (10) at time 12.8 what is the trigonometric function for his mood?
The math teacher went off on another tangent and began rambling about people whose moods vary sinusoidally because of their having sinusoidal syndrome.
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The Term "JD Syndrome" relates to any male with a problem with relationships similar to that of John Dorien's off the popular tv show "Scrubs"
If you can't commit to a relationship/become easily bored with a relationship/attemptin' to keep a relationship alive with excitment or getting what you want only to realize you don't want it.
Then odds are on you've got the "JD Syndrome".
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(n.) The inability to turn down theatrical roles, even if they could indeed ruin one's career. Brought about by such actors as Samuel L. Jackson (appearing in Snakes on a Plane for Christ's sake), and most importantly Nicholas Cage, for the syndrome is founded upon his decisions acutely, the actors continue disappoint many with their unwarranted actions.
Damn, Nicholas Cage has the worst case of cage syndrome ever. He fucking agreed to Knowing and Ghost Rider of all god damn movies in this world.
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Smosh Syndrome is when you watch a bunch of Smosh videos and try to act like Anthony and Ian.
Me:"What the FIRETRUCK!" "Cannon Penis!" "Cute Furry Kittens puking all over the place.."
John: "What's wrong with you?"
Me:"I watched a bunch of Smosh videos.."
John:"Oh, you have Smosh Syndrome."
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A form of brain-damage in those who program too much in the write-only computer language Perl.
In it's most basic form, a Perl programmer will use Perl to accomplish common tasks for which other more appropriate (and easier) tools already exist. In extreme cases, those suffering from Perl Syndrome will set their login shell to Perl, and replace system executables with their own Perl monstrosities.
When confronted with evidence that they have Perl syndrome, one afflicted will become upset, deny that there's anything wrong, and respond "TMTOWTDI" ("There's More Than One Way To Do It" - Perl's motto.)
Asked by a newbie how to log the output of syslog to another host (a common Unix task), someone with Perl Syndrome replied that the 'easiest' way would be to write a 'simple' 25-line Perl script that would open a TCP connection to the remote host, tail the appropriate logfile, and write them out (another 'simple' Perl script would of course need to be written to accept and process this TCP connection.)
To the sufferer of Perl Syndrome, this was all simpler and easier than just enabling 'remote host' in the syslog configuration.
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Refers to an affliction that some people exhibit when they are confronted by social, political, or controversial issues be that in their personal life or outside; they would just rather ignore it or as the ostrich does, bury his head in the sand when confronted by danger hoping it will go away.
Too bad that Jim doesn't see the restructuring going on at work that will cost him his job. He's hoping it won't affect him, he has Ostrich Syndrome.
If you can't see the subterfuge going on in government, you probably have Ostrich Syndrome.
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