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queef inhaler

After sex occurs and therefore possibly a queef would slip out, a sexual act would happen in which the man (or woman) would wait with his lips around the lady's vagina and wait for a queef to happen so he can literally inhale it, and swallow the fumes.

"That dude's a freak, hes a queef inhaler"

by Maxyboi July 3, 2006

26๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž


look up har

by Anonymous June 15, 2003

3๐Ÿ‘ 43๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. a silent assassin..a way to let your presence be known...
2. What a guy is said to do if he cant get his farts to make noise (thats for you Q-Doc)

She let out a nasty queef in the room, clearing out everyone. You better watch out because she has good aim and can queef one in your eye.

by birdman May 24, 2004

2๐Ÿ‘ 24๐Ÿ‘Ž

Queef whale

A person who is a cunt and dampens all fun party activities while also dampening everyone's vibe

Oh fuck, here come Jessica the queef whale. Don't let her kill your vibe bro

by Oakey-dokey May 13, 2016

turbo queef

An acoustic duo from Ontario, Canada.
Formerly known as '10 Second Turbo Queef'

Turbo Queef played an awesome show last night, I can't wait to see them again.

by Kays04 October 6, 2010

queef smuggler

When you collect someones queef in a jar and release it in another room

Pippa was a known queef smuggler, she smuggled Mairianne's queef into the dining room last tuesday.

by Mr Q. Smuggler January 3, 2011

Queef party

When several girls are sitting around blowing air in and out of their vaginas

It was a total queef party last night

by Gladys the Great November 26, 2016