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A team Edward Chick

A tween who will fuck anyone, anywhere as long as they sparkle in the sunlight and drive a volvo. They video tape themselfs sleeping to see if men stalk them and A Team Edward Chick would intentionally cut themselfs just to see if any vampires will come and suck their body fluids. They also randomly scream at pale pretty people in the streets. Keep away with Caution.

Holy shit! that girl is such A Team Edward Chick! I was wearing my sequined shirt today in the park and she randomly jumped ontop of me and begged me to bite her! W-T-F?!

by Jimmy Neutron the third January 18, 2010

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Pull A John Edwards

1) To cheat at something. Maybe a video game, Spades, a card game, or a race.

2) To bang another lady while your rightfully married partner is unable to react to the situation, for whatever reason.

3) To try to do something great for the public to hide how big of a jerk you are at the personal level.

1) "Quit looking at the other side of my Yu-Gi-Oh cards, you dip-shit! If you pull a John Edwards on me like that again, I'll burn your entire collection in the back-yard!"

2) Jessica Simpson's boyfriend had to pull a John Edwards on her in her own home! He was caught banging a chick on top her bed! As if she had enough to be upset about! She's Jessica Simpson! Her life has been dropped on shit creek without a paddle!

3) The stupid man is trying to run for Vice President. Even know he cheated on his wife who has breast cancer, he still thinks he has what it takes to become a figure for this country. Encourage people to be stupid and do things wrong. We're not going to let John Edwards pull himself at us again!

by hekifier March 29, 2009

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st. edward hockey


St. Edward hockey = raw

by danglebenderssnipetenders August 12, 2011

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Mark Edward fischbach

Online gamer and youtuber. Often plays games with jacksepticeye (Sean McLaughlin) pewdiepie (Felix Arvid Ulf Kjellberg), muyskerm (Bob Muyskens), lordminion777 (Wade Barnes), or crankgameplays (Ethan Mark Nestor-Darling.

* Sees Mark Edward Fischbach * OMG thats markiplier playing with jack,ethan, bob and wade. Woah

by Squash banana April 9, 2020

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Dirty daniel edwards

A Dirty Daniel Edwards is when you get lured to Ipswich on a false pretence and find out she has a dirty arsehole... so drive home sad and alone thinking you can’t smell porn.

I was on a dating app and ended up doing a β€œdirty Daniel Edwards”

by Rupert bear April 17, 2020

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cole edward thompson

best fake british person ever

cole edward thompson Ron Fender

by stephen fender August 22, 2011

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Prince Edward Island

A province full of potatoes and hornets. Make sure you keep your window down, especially in the spring and summer. Only attractions are potato crop fields and possibly the oldest population of every province. If you are looking to retire then you'd fit in here.

Person from Prince Edward Island: I was driving down to the market to get me daily bag of potatos, when a hornet flew right the way into me car. The little bugger damn near stung me, and me daughter was scared like she sawn a ghost.

by mentalkid123 August 2, 2017

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