Sometime mistaken as a handicap bar to help pull someone up from the toilet. Actual purpose of grunt bar next to a toilet is to get maximum leverage when forcing a giant shit out of your ass. Grunting out loud optional.
Dude, glad I had that grunt bar to help give birth to that massive turd
While scoring a goal is hockey, the puck must hit the bottom of the cross bar and go in the net
"Ovechkin went Bar Diggs on that last goal!"
An term used to describe the town you were born and raised in.
Bar is an acronym for born and raised.
I just got back to the bar town for my summer break!
I cant wait to see all of my bar town bros!
Really???? You don't know what a cereal Bar is??? Huh? Really? You eat it. There.
"Wtf this guy doesn't know what a cereal Bar is"
The person that you would like to pursue for sexual relations while at a bar
Someone you find attractive/hot
That boy Connor over there is tonight’s bar snack
Someone, usually female, who has indiscriminate sex with patrons of a particular bar and everyone knows about it, hence, everyone and anyone can ride it. Usually motivated by low self-esteem, pathological need for validation and/or inability to maintain composure when drinking.
That Mary chick is the bar bike. She's slept with every guy in here.
The term savage bars is used when the lyrical value of a song is on point or if someone in a song is getting roasted.
Dam m80 deez r sum savage bars