Another way of saying “It’s not happening”
Person 1: There’s a party going on tonight. Are you going?
Person 2: It’s looking pretty slow for that
A politically correct term for the word retard even tho it means the same exact thing
Sarah: omg I’m so slow
Emily: in her mind “she is so politically correct and woke”
a person who has a mental capability of a baby squirrel and havent or didnt learn how to comprehend basic information
Dave is very "slow" he doesnt understand any kind of slang !
What does slow mean? Katana,He is the fucking definition of slow
An individual born with a Slovenian background that is a slow runner.
Even though both sets of my kid’s fathers were considered the quickest in Canada at their highest points of their track days, because of my Slow-venian background, all 4 turned out to be quite the opposite of the fastest.