Source Code

Double pumped

Means to send 2 text messages one after another with no reply.

I double pumped a text to him and still no reply.....think I'm getting the faze out

by Sammanator September 22, 2015

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Pump Station

The kill zone on a deer or other game animal, but primarily referring to the heart (since it is a pump.)

"Would you look at that majestic protein packed beast!" exclaimed an excited Ted Nugent in a barely controlled whisper. "I am about to slide a broad point right through his pump station! Watch closely boys and girls!" Whoooooosh!!!!

by Motorcity Madman February 4, 2010

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Little Pump

Someone with malformed Testicoils.

Did you see Little Pump? He has malformed Testicoils. Damn, I wish I could be that cool...

by Theuglyman July 14, 2018

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pumping the shark

Pumping the shark means having sex with a shark.

Not a recommended activity.

Zombo emerged from the water all chewed up.

"What happened to you?" asked Zongo.

"Pumping the shark," said Zombo, tucking his badly mauled wally back into his trunks.

by scodder June 3, 2010

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Turd Pump

Pretty self explanatory.

Asshole. Plain and simple.

Why don't you shut your blowhole, Turd Pump, before I decide to break my foot off in your ass??

by BigWyo October 14, 2009

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pump and dump

As a verb:To defecate and urinate at the same time. Usually done in a hurry or with great urgency. A common military slang term used in reference to using the "facilities".

As a noun: The act of taking a shit and piss at the same time.

OK recruits! Five minute pump and dump!

Mom, where is the restroom, I have to pump and dump like yesterday!

Aaah much better, I needed that pump and dump.

by binydeamon January 13, 2009

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pump and dump

Anal intercourse between two guys (usually frat boys) or a man and a woman (usually a frat boy and a drunk sorority girl) wherein the receiving party finds it necessary to hurriedly scuffle to the nearest bathroom to release a prodigious shit immediately following, or sometimes before, the butt-fucker ejaculates. The pump and dump results from a lack of preparadness: although the lower colon may seem vacant when probed with the finger, the impending turd is close enough to be stimulated by the thrusting action of the penis, which may or may not come into contact with said turd. In the event of a pump and dump, the pumper automatically becomes a literal turd burgler, having stimulated the release of a turd that otherwise would have emerged at a more opportune time.

A more extreme version of the pump and dump, known as the anal sexplosion involves a high velocity expulsion of the mixture of lubricant, semen and liquid feces that accumulates in the colon during anal sex when the receiving partner isn't completely empty.

"Bro, last night I finally talked my girlfriend into trying some butt sex, but damn if it wasn't a pump and dump, before I could even get off. Then she didn't wanna fuck the rest of the night cause she was so embarrassed."
"Dude! You never told me you were a turd burgler!"

"I met this frat boy online one night and he wanted me to come over and fuck him, but it was a total pump and dump. I asked him "bro u know how to be cleaned out right?" But I only pumped his butt for like two minutes before he said "Stop bro that's it i gotta crap!" Bitch looked so funny running to the bathroom I had to laugh, so then he wouldn't let me fuck him anymore."

by ucfryan October 28, 2006

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