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1. the substitution of a milder, vaguer word or expression for one considered to be offensive or unpleasant.
2. the word or expression so substituted.

"Put to sleep" is a euphemism for "kill".

by ed January 20, 2003

1026πŸ‘ 157πŸ‘Ž


A word people use because they like deceiving themselves to believe we live in a Utopia.

Mostly they're used by organizations and "considerate" people who don't want to offend the "situationally disturbed" citizens.

George Carlin, a comedian, did a great schpiel about euphemisms once. (A few of the following examples are in his speech.)

You should read it. It may not "open your eyes," but you'll realize how much we like to disguise our speech and blind ourselves. Disguising a condition with nicer, longer words doesn't change the fact that you still have the condition. Sorry.

(Note: Not all examples {e.g. black/white} are "conditions" or negative at all}

IMO, There's nothing wrong with most of the following conditions; they just warrant a euphemism because society can't accept reality. Many are unavoidable.
I just call 'em like I see em.

is old, they're elderly senior citizens.
is gay, they're homosexual.
is poor, they're in poverty.
is black, they're African American.
is white, they're Caucasian.
is fat, they're obese.
is a slut, they're promiscuous.
is crippled, they're handicapped.
is deaf, they're hearing impaired.
is blind, they're visually impaired.
is retarded, they're mentally challenged.
is short, they're vertically challenged.
is stupid, they're academically challenged.

I could go on.

by ~The Nameless One~ October 12, 2005

601πŸ‘ 177πŸ‘Ž


a less direct word used to refer to something unpleasant or embarrassing, often so as to avoid offence.

it was a euphemism for ignorance.

by it's d queen June 6, 2020

17πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


trying to make the mean things you say sound nicer by using different words

"let's just be friends" is nice for "no, fuck off"

by the koz October 25, 2003

631πŸ‘ 215πŸ‘Ž


A word used in place of another to make the listener feel more comfortable, and to make the user more socially acceptable.

"Your mother and I had meetings between the sheets last fortnight"

When what you want to say is - "I fucked you mamma until she stained the sheets last night, bitch! "

by Robert Stewart March 3, 2005

190πŸ‘ 115πŸ‘Ž


The act or an example of substituting a mild, indirect, or vague term for one considered harsh, blunt, or offensive:

Euphemism is an expression intended by the speaker to be less offensive, disturbing, or troubling to the listener than the word or phrase it replaces, or in the case of doublespeak to make it less troublesome for the speaker.

When a phrase is used as a euphemism, it often becomes a metaphor whose literal meaning is dropped. Euphemisms are often used to hide unpleasant or disturbing ideas, even when the literal term for them is not necessarily offensive. This type of euphemism is used in public relations and politics, where it is sometimes disparagingly called doublespeak. There are also superstitious euphemisms, based (consciously or subconsciously) on the idea that words have the power to bring bad fortune (for example, not speaking the word "cancer"; see Etymology and Common examples below) and religious euphemisms, based on the idea that some words are sacred, or that some words are spiritually imperiling (taboo; see Etymology and Religious euphemisms below).

The substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression to replace one that might offend or suggest something unpleasant, for example, "he is at rest" is a euphemism for "he is dead."

β€œEuphemisms such as β€˜slumber room’ . . . abound in the funeral business”.

by UDAI June 8, 2006

69πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž


trying to make the mean things you say sound nicer by using different words

"let's just be friends" is nice for "no, I don't want to go out with you. You're a loser." ( euphemism )

by Nevermind Netherlands September 4, 2007

95πŸ‘ 56πŸ‘Ž