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A town full of radioactive kids that think they’re mums kitchen knives and cigarette butts will save them from bankruptcy, moped drivers exceeding the weight limit and still adding another 4 people on the back driving 30 down your road!

Tadley, isn’t that the giant site?

by Thescreamingmum69 February 1, 2022


A shithole
With delinquents who think they’re all big that carry around their mums kitchen knifes.

What’s Tadley like?
A shithole

by Tadley November 23, 2021


Tadley the hood

rlly don’t fuck with tadley mums ul get fucked up don’t step to my number one g r1

Don’t step to the number one g from tadley

by Ogtadleyboys August 28, 2021

3👍 2👎


The most amazing man this world have ever seen. The man every guy wants to be and every girl wants to be with. He is so smart and understanding, very sexy, Great in bed, and a go getter. If a job needs done he us the first to volentire. He goes out of his way to please the world and does his best to make sure its at peice. He treat a his woman like a queen and will protect and cheris her for ever. He will make sure no harm will come to those he loves.

Man I wish I was more like Tadley

by Nerdgirl129666 February 10, 2019

2👍 20👎


The act of getting absolutely yarked on while you are sleeping.

God damn, Mike just got absolutely tadley-d.

by KingKongDonkyKongShlong September 4, 2018