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(n) Occurs when one:

a. exaggerates a situation to an extreme level and reacts to it in dramatic fashion

b. flies off the handle for the slightest of inconveniences caused by another person or a situation that is out of the control of any one individual

c. exhibits emotion in response to a stimulus that is wildly disproportionate with the level of reaction warranted by said stimulus

d. expresses particularly strong anger, frustration, and/or panic in the face of everyday life events and takes these emotions out on targeted individuals and/or random bystanders, which negatively impacts the lives of these people who subsequently come to believe that the person is fucking insane

Holy shit... My boss went into another tailspin today This time it was because I changed a few words in her document before sending it back to her. BUT SHE ASKED ME TO CONTENT EDIT THE DAMN DOCUMENT IN THE FIRST PLACE! She sent me a 1,000 word email to me saying how much I "messed up" by changing a few words, and then she called me down to her office to berate me face-to-face! Woman is insane.

Today my boyfriend locked his keys in his car. He tried to call me to bring him a spare set, but I had my phone on vibrate and didn't see that he called until about an hour later. Holy shit... that mofo went into a complete tailspin when he got home, and bitched me out for literally HOURS about how he can't count on me for anything... blah blah blah. AND THIS WAS THE FIRST TIME ANYTHING LIKE THIS HAS EVER HAPPENED! What a fuckin' nut job!

by Bozo McScrotus July 29, 2016

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A loss of emotional control sometimes resulting in emotional collapse.

She’d been going to therapy to try to stop these
kinds of tailspins.

by Osiba June 19, 2015

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When a fellow bro, has gotten himself into a situation filled with confusion and immense discomfort thus leading said bro to go into a convulsion of different emotions.

Bro, did you see the price of cocaine lately; that price tag is sending me into a tailspin.

by Your daily brah July 25, 2017

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A Doin' A Tailspin

It's like gettin' freaky. If you know what I'm sayin'.


If this planes a doin' a tailspin, don't come a knockin'.

by Dangermode September 23, 2006

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11th Floor Tailspin

When two people involved in a workplace or office affair meet on the top floor of their building for a brief, but much needed, desired, and illicit midday liaison. The very top floor of many office buildings (or a portion of it) is typically not used by tenants and is reserved for the elevator machine room. It is usually only accessible by an unknown staircase, and makes a perfect hideaway for a secret office romance.

Jill: How about we take an 11th floor tailspin for lunch?

Jack: Sounds like a plan. Meet you at the stairs.

Jill: It's so dangerous! I love it!

by Raspberry Jam October 5, 2009

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The attack helicopter with a back kick 36 tailspin

It's when you lube the fuck out of your penis and have your girl lay down, you then put your dick in her, lay one top of her spread your arms and legs, then start spinning like a helicopter, risk includes loss of peepee

Holy shit your peepee is gone because of the attack helicopter with a back kick 36 tailspin

by Peepeegodman March 26, 2019

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Hungarian Tailspin

The act of smacking your lovers ass while she's going down on you without warning, thus risking your manhood being bitten clean off in shock.

Bro, what happened to Jack?
He's in hospital, he had to get stitches on his pork sword after performing a Hungarian Tailspin on Joanne last night
Oh, he shouldn't have done that, she scares easily.

by Fastkittyboi May 6, 2022