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Also known by the soubriquet "Crapir", Vapir (Air-2.com) are a notorious company, well known for polluting the vaporizer market with their shitty, badly designed products - most of their units leak or, more often than not, just don't work very well.

Hey, I hear that you'll damn near asphyxiate yourslf trying to get a decent hit out of a Vapir Oxygen Mini - still, their website looks very polished and convincing, so maybe I should trust them...

by vaiz June 17, 2008

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Vapire (noun) pronounced (vay-pire) Someone who smokes cigarettes, but hits your e-cig all the time. A nicotine Vampire. Vapires can only be killed by being stabbed in the heart with a sharp electronic cigarette, or in the ear.

Michael: Dude my battery is already dead. Rachael has cigarettes Wtf?
Gabriel: She sounds like a Vapire, better stab her.

by Miguel444 March 8, 2014

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Emotional Vapire

Those vapers who are condescending towards others because they are smokers. They preach about the benefits of vaping e.g. in the office, indoors etc etc. They act like they’re selling religion door to door when it comes to the vaping industry.

It is not just annoying it's also emotionally draining listening to them bleat on and on.

"Bernard from Accounts won't stop droning on and on about the benefits of vaping and how cool it is. He's an Emotional Vapire!"

by mygreekmum November 24, 2018

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