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The boy's name Zarek is pronounced ZAIR-ek. It is of Polish origin. Nickname or short form of Belshazzar (Babylonian) "Baal protect the king". Biblical: the son of Nebuchadnezzar, and the last king of Babylon. At a famous feast held by Belshazzar, handwriting appeared on the wall of the hall, warning of the king's doom. This led to our saying, "the writing is on the wall".

Holy shit Zarek is an AWESOME NAME!!!

by K!ng1978 November 28, 2010

211👍 49👎


The name of the most amazing male on the planet. He has breathtaking eyes, and his smile will make you melt. He loves Demi Lovato and McDonald's more than life (almost). yet he still manages to have perhaps THE most sxc body of all time. he may come off as an asshole or offend you with his sense of humor which is likable unless you get butthurt easy, but if you take the time to get to know him, you won't regret it. his voice will make you wet, so beware.

Person seeing Zarek for the first time: WOAH Who's that hottie? I'd bang.

Zarek: Buy me McDonalds and a cutout of Demi Lovato to masturbate furiously to and I'll think about it.

by staygold June 27, 2013

68👍 23👎


Just one cool dude

Hi zarek, your one cool dude

by Beanstime January 30, 2021

4👍 1👎


Zarek is a slang word for a gay guy with an ob seen kinky obsession of having another man put a warm Hot Pocket in his ass

That guy is such a zarek.

by Baby Jesus Massacre April 2, 2011

37👍 151👎


A man that gets no bitches

Damn zarek you get absolutely 0 bitches

by Penislickerlove12 January 22, 2022

3👍 6👎


gets absolutely 0 play

That man looks like a zarek

by Ree v2 June 7, 2022

2👍 2👎


This term was first introduced in the 1970's as pants got tighter and tighter. The term "zarek" defines the outline of a man's package in said tight pants. "Zarek" is synonomous with male camel toe.

Woman 1: Wow, check out the zarek on that guy over there!

Woman 2: I noticed it earlier. I bet he's chafing like hell in those pants.

by Dr. Squid Beak April 1, 2005

64👍 150👎