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the brave act of slaying a bull whilst wearing girly tights

if i was bullfighting id be scared of doing it while dressed like a girl. those matadors are such men <3

by chimpy pete June 27, 2007

89๐Ÿ‘ 32๐Ÿ‘Ž


A barbaric activity where a baby bull is pushed onto a stage where it is watched by thousands of psychos who enjoy seeing it being tortured. First the bull is weakened with horrible metal spikes and humiliated publically, and just when it thinks things can't get much worse, it is stabbed in the heart by a ponsy Spanish bastard riding a horse. A truly horrible, inhumane and disgusting sport. Oh and by the way, it is not a sport because for something to be a sport there has to be an element of uncertainty. ie, No one knows which team or side will win. In bullfighting, there is just one outcome - the suffering and eventual death of the bull.

If a bullfighter puts on a good show, he/she wins the ears, or tail of the bull as a trophy. Nice.
If the bull shows a phenominal amount of strength and endurance, it is not stabbed in the heart by the matador, it is allowed to bleed to death outside the stadium. Nice. (and rare)

by Cup-Sellithaine February 4, 2005

164๐Ÿ‘ 136๐Ÿ‘Ž


When someone runs like a sissy from a rabid bull. Quite common in Spain and Mexico.

I want to watch a bullfight.

by Anonymous July 10, 2003

39๐Ÿ‘ 79๐Ÿ‘Ž


The process of fighting the urge to use a prostitute...

Leno an't sex for a year- he's in the bullfighting stage...

by derangedpoet July 14, 2003

20๐Ÿ‘ 46๐Ÿ‘Ž

the bullfighter

When a guy waves an unopened condom at a girl, hoping she'll charge towards him and have sex. As with the matador's muleta, works best when the condom wrapper is red.

Dude 1: "Hey man, I used the bullfighter on a chick last night. Why the hell didn't it work?" Dude 2: "Because you're a fucking dumbass!"

Dude 1: "I did the bullfighter yesterday and it worked!" Dude 2: "She was a 2 out of 10. Anything would've worked with her."

by TheFinalDumbass November 15, 2013

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


(adj.) Describes something that is very stereotypically Latin in origin.

"Dude! That sombrero is totally bullfighter!"

"Totally, dude! I love this mexican restaurant."

by TeamZissou September 6, 2008


A term popularized by the NJ rapper "Noodles" in his song "The Bullfighter".. This act involves reckless endangerment of all members in a crowded club but women in particular. There is many mean grunts and stomping of the feet. If you happen to encounter the bullfighter in you're local club or neighborhood please capture it on film and put it on youtube.

Guy 1 - Yo Son Last Night Was Poppin!!!
Guy 2 - Werd?
Guy 1 - Yea Son I Did The Bullfighter On That Hoe
Guy 2 - Werd Then U Donkey Punched Her?
Guy 1 - YEP!
Guy 2 - YAY!!!

by Bricc Of STG Productions February 5, 2008

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž