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A cap applicator machine; a machine used to apply caps onto bottles

...and circle over to the cap applicators-
tape rewinding
--over to the "caplicators."
Caplicators retrieve the bottles and dip the caps in earwax
At this stage, they call it "Ben Stiller's beer."

by ♥🗺☠ August 4, 2021

9👍 1👎


To remove a portion from a word or sequence of words, leaving the before and after, to make a word.
You can remove any portion as long as a beginning and end remains, but generally the beginning part is just the first consonant cluster and a good portion of the last word is used for the end.
All words besides the first and last in a sequence of words creating a caplication are discarded.

The word is autological—it comes from the caplication of "cap applicator" to "caplicator", which was originally used at 1:39 in the YouTube video "Wow! I'm hungry!" by DaThings.

It differs from portmanteau because not all portmanteaus are caplications (portmanteaus can blend the words however they like), and not all caplications are portmanteaus (caplications often do not attempt to create any new meaning, whereas a portmanteau has to have a meaning blended from the words that made it). That said, most portmanteaus are caplications.

"Liquid argon" can be caplicated to "largon".
"There is a cat in my house" can be caplicated to "thy house".

by wolfboyft April 3, 2024