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The act of getting hit in ones junk by a corn cob. The cob has been preferably nommed however an untouched cob is acceptable as well.

"Dude you just got corn-cocked!"

by ReZeroX June 23, 2008

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corn cock

a southern mans penis.

take that corn cock lucy yahooo

by stackattack January 12, 2011

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corn cock

Self explains itself. A pleasure trove for a lucky woman. Usually but not manditory 7 or more inches. When inserted correctly the recipient enters a state of bliss with this unique penis. A yellow corn cock is not recommended see drip dick.

He bent me over the fireplace and fucked me so hard with his corn cock I thought i would popcorn!!

by Owner of One June 7, 2008

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Corn Cock Pipe

The surprise piece of corn that gets attached to your penis as you pull out of the anus after having anal sex with a male or female who recently ate corn.

Man: Dude, I boned some chick last night in the ass and when I pulled out, I had a piece of corn stuck to my dick.

Friend: Maybe I should go get you a button nose to go with the corn cock pipe!

by Uncle Gary's Potato Farm April 28, 2017

Candy Corn Cock

A cock that has different color tones like candy corn.

She didn't like his candy corn cock.

by Dark Ivy November 19, 2020

Corn Cobbed Cock

Having genital warts or blisters covering ones penis and having hair growing from them.

Dude I banged this chick last night and i woke up with some serious corn cobbed cock...

by Team Anchorage August 29, 2010

Corn Muffin Cock

When a penis is small but extremely thick with a lot of girth causing the head to look like a corn muffin. Giant and as wide around as a coke can but short and stumpy like a muffin too.

2 inch cock, 10 inch head. A lady killer....... literally. :)

Mike- "Hey babe, wanna see a corn muffin cock?"
Sarah- "What the hell is that?"
Mike- *Whips out cock
Sarah- "Oh my god, that dick head is so big that a bear couldn't even blow it. "
Mike- "Yup, you need both hands for this Corn Muffin Cock"

Lou- That thing isn't even 3 inches long dude. She rather get with my normal 7 inch snake like penis istead of that stumpy mushroom cloud looking disaster

Sarah- " Incorrect, i prefer girth. I want to stretch my walls"

Lou- "WHATEVER!!!!"

by GM123 April 21, 2017