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A scratter infested shithole that nobody in their right mind would want to visit.

Dude, speed up, we're getting close to harehills.

by inthechair April 13, 2010

715👍 58👎


Harehills ; pronounced "Hare-Hills"
Derived from the words "Hare" meaning will shag anyone in sight and jump from one boyfriend to the next in the same way a Hare jumps around and "Hills" from the abbreviated term "Hillbillies"Contrary to some belief, hillbillies don’t live in trailer parks; they can’t otherwise they wouldn’t be isolated from modern culture and therefore would not be hillbillies.

Q: Do you know where I can get some Methadone ?

A: I'm pretty sure you can get it in Harehills Pharmacy

by GreggsBaconRoll December 9, 2018

2👍 6👎


This is the biggest shithole I’ve ever been too think of a vietnam crash site that is full of chicken shops and is full of scratty romanians that came over on there TK Maxx rubber dinghy that has a hole in the back, there’s always dirty hazbos in the back of the heron foods asking for JD vouchers,the Morrisons is even worse there doing penny for the guy in July.
I would rather drink bleach than go to harehills FFC it gave me shits and there chicken looked like a mucky holbeck fanny

There is a lovely man that sells sweets he’s called Gary bee defined as the man’s that holds harehills together

by Seacroft boyz October 3, 2023