Source Code


Derived from two words:

Dictator meaning:

a person exercising absolute power, esp. a ruler who has absolute, unrestricted control in a government without hereditary succession.

Vulgar Slang A person regarded as highly unpleasant, especially a male.

Mary: "Josh was ordering me around like he owned the place."

Hannah: " Yeah, he's such a pricktator."

by spider333 August 3, 2009


An extremely long, thick, hard penis that controls its owner so completely, he cannot prevent it from making all his decisions.

The questionnaire was long and boring.

"Have you ever driven more than 300 miles for sex?"

Three hundred miles? John mused to himself. How about three thousand? He'd done that at least a dozen times.

"This test was written by pussies." he murmured.

He finished, at last and turned in his form and #2 pencil to the redhead in the tight black leather skirt. "Thank you." she said, icily, as she slipped the form into the scoring machine, which began whirring softly. It spat out the form and she snatched it up and perused it with steadily increasing wonderment.

"Perfect score... this isn't possible... this... you... " she met John's arrogant stare. His faint smile. Was he for real?

"My god." she said at last.

"What is it like living under a pricktatorship?"

John smiled and tilted his head and sighed.

"Why don't you come home with me and find out for yourself?"

He observed once again, the splendor of the color nature program playing out on her skin. Her cheeks flushed in a riot of bright red, wildfire spreading out across her alabaster orbs as her heart began jackhammering and her eyes dilated.

"OK," she heard herself say.

It was time she did some real research.

by Maxhole June 22, 2009

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urban pricktator

One who pleasures themselves to photos of livestock while reviewing submitted definitions and rejecting good words while publishing such things as "and then I found five dollars". Similar to an Urban Dictator, but far more pricklike.

I've seen like 12 inside jokes on U.D. today alone, yet the words my boy sent in don't get published. The Urban Pricktators must have found some online photos of sheep or something, 'cause they ain't doin' their job.

by myhineyholeitches May 15, 2010

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