When you feel like a jew, but aren't.
"I never claimed to be Jewish... my grandparents are Jewish, so I'm Jew-ish." - George Santos
this is an amalgamation of the terms a treife and a jew. It's a term of derision or insult, usually used by jews against other jews, to define 1) a jew who behaves and acts like a goy or 2) a jew who has converted out of judaism into another monotheistic religion.
two jews meet on the street and one of them is eating a Black Forest ham and cheese sandwich.
jew a) how dare you eat this junk, you a treif-jew, you are disgrace to judaism.
jew b) thanks for reminding me, but please just stuff it and be on your way.
Jews, are people that loved to play in the oven, they would get there dick cut at the very top.
Which is also known as Circumcise.
THey like to give handjobs occasionally to each other (especially men) hitler saw that as gay, and got rid of them.
JEWS (d)
A Jew Fold is when you take money, or another valuable piece of paper, and fold it in such a way that it looks like you have more than you actually do. Usually this requires intricate folding techniques to make it look legit. Only a true Jew can master the Jew Fold!
"Damn look at this picture Mark posted. He's got bank!"
"Nah man, he's just using a Jew Fold. Look, you can even see the folds in the cash."
When someone starts to acquire a lot of currency. (Most likely not spending money either)
Wow Jake has really been getting that jew bag money lately.
Being hit in hockey resulting in your ass ten feet away from the person who hit you.
Wow, that kid really got jew tossed by the Division 1 prospect.
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"White Jew" is an archaic term for Scottish people due to the fact that Scotsman were known for being stingy penny pinching ruthless capitalists (much like the Jewish stereotype) and Jews were not considered white at the time much like Italians or Greeks. This term fell out of favor when "white" began to apply to more and more light skinned groups, and not just western Europeans.
Scrooge McDuck is Scottish for a reason. Why do you think they call the "White Jews?"