Seattle's biggest Raider fan. If he were alive today, he'd be a Ramfan.
Because of Pete Gross's Raider fandom, the Seahawks hired Tom Flores in 1992.
When you gross it, you had the the worst DM week in history. 1 4 4 things could go wrong and do go wrong. you got 1 4 4 problems and CLIP ain't one.
Yo! That DM week was JACKed up. He really grossed it.
Be on the looking out for a grossing, make sure you are on PTO when it's his turn.
The best possible candidate for your next NJHS president!
“I am totally voting for Cora Gross
A lil angry bald man that tends to drink a lot during difficult situation
This guy is an ass munch
Mike is a gross elf
I think that gross elf is drunk again
Intentionally steals, takes, and carries away, leads away or drives away personal goods or property of another with value of more than $2,500.
Including ALL livestock; firearms; vehicles.
LT: Clark, we have a stolen goat from the farm down the street.
Clark: How much was the goat worth?
LT: Wait, what?
Clark: Sounds like a clear cut case of Gross Larceny!