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Originally a military term, but increasingly used to describe a particularly fucked up, chaotic or disorganized workplace or office situation.

Example 1:

Mike: "Hey who ran all these network cables under my cubicle? Where am I supposed to put my feet?"

Ryan: "Dude, we're putting in the new computers, we need relocate you to a desk in the basement."

Mike: "Jesus, what a clusterfuck this place is!"

Example 2:

Denise: "Be glad you missed the sales meeting today, there weren't enough chairs in the conference room and half of us had to stand, then that idiot Laura knocked over her venti Starbucks coffee all over the table. It even got the phone wet and everyone on the dial-in line got disconnected. God, what a clusterfuck!"

Brianna: "Like oh my god, total!"

by SoCaliCali January 11, 2009

55๐Ÿ‘ 39๐Ÿ‘Ž


The Bush Administration

Yet another crisis arises because of the actions of that clusterfuck over at the White House.

by Doc!!! August 15, 2006

435๐Ÿ‘ 403๐Ÿ‘Ž


Collective noun for a bunch of turkeys

"Dude, check out that clusterfuck of turkeys over there"....."Totally"

by Bradz88 July 11, 2011

39๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž


a badass word in general. There's 36 other definitions on it,so i really don't need to explain what it means.

Use "clusterfuck" in a coherent sentence, and I guarantee you that it will impress everyone around you.

by Spaceman Spliff June 9, 2007

79๐Ÿ‘ 77๐Ÿ‘Ž


in computing, this means to have too many computers running on a network, causing the network to mess up, or "clusterfuck"
this is not just for computers. it can apply to computer-like systems that connect to internet, such as Xbox 360, PS3, etc.

Man 1: aww i just got clusterfucked
Man 2: of course you did. you're running 2 laptops, a desktop, and playing black ops on a PS3 with a dial-up internet connection!

by gamewin1 November 12, 2010

7๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


1. When something is a complete disaster
2. A situation that is highly unwanted
3. A word used in aggrivation at least once a day to describe the horrible trials a person may be going through (I say may because some ppl are just over dramatic)

1. Travis had to re-write his thesis paper while trying to work a job, spend time with his crazy gf, and deal with his mom. He gets everything but the paper done. looks at what needs to be done. has to write 50 pages in an hour. This would be a clusterfuck.

2. Travis gets put in a clusterfuck when his face gets farted on by his girlfriend.

3. Stagger Lee has an absolutely amazing life. He is rich, good-looking, charming, and talented. He gets dirt on his shirt one day. This would NOT be a clusterfuck. It would just be an inconvience.

by TLeesgirl April 26, 2010

5๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


a situation in which things have been botched either repeatedly, or by numerous people

He started this clusterfuck, I'm just trying to save my ass.

by Anonymous April 11, 2003

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