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Slang dictionary

Dictionary with slang

Open dictionary is like a slang dictionary

by 459395 April 10, 2023

Look out, Urban Dictionary!

What you palm-rubbingly mutter under your breath as you smirkingly head over to this site after thinking up a whole bunch of clever/tasteless/shockingly-in-yer-face words to define, knowing that the judges are gonna go nuts trying to "digest" all of your rapidly-submitted crap.

I just now came up with several really awesome-but-morbid-toned definitions related to the word "coroner", and so I'm about to send 'em in --- look out, Urban Dictionary!

by QuacksO November 16, 2018

Urban Dictionary Instead Of Microsoft Word

This phrase derives from the fact that urban dictionary's text editor is far superior to it's fellow editor, which is why I, an intellect much prefer the former choice.

We here using Urban Dictionary in stead of Microsoft Word to Make Essays

I am better than you because i use Urban Dictionary Instead Of Microsoft Word

Yall amatuers need to grow up and use Urban Dictionary Instead Of Microsoft Word

by KayrunJaavice May 7, 2019

Bahima’s dictionary

The words: Friends, nice, politeness, enjoying someone’s company= 0, none, doesn’t exist, unacceptable and unbelievable

Evil, rude, friends are enemies, bad temper, HIGH TEMPER= COMPLETE EXISTENCE (perfect) the ideal human
We call him the devil which mean Lucifer ;)

Person 1: Aye bro I had nightmares yesterday

Person 2: why????
Person 1: cuz i read bahima’s dictionary
Person 1: idk man, aye btw why is the hall becoming so cold
*lucifer walks in*

by Blipblub March 5, 2021

Urban Dictionary Paradox

When you try to make a joke definition of an Urban dictionary link, but it says can't contain links in the definition, so you remove the link and submit it, thinking the problem is resolved and your funny joke is through. But then it says definition must have word in it, but the word is the source of the other problem.

Human: I can't wait to joke about urbandictionary's blog page!
*Human goes to website, adds definition, writes 'funny' definition, presses submit*
Website: There was 1 error that prohibited this form from being submitted (Links)
Human: Ok then, I will remove the link.
Website: There was 1 error that prohibited this form from being submitted (Not having the word in the example)
Human: HELP ME, I AM IN THE Urban Dictionary Paradox!!!!!!!

by Trumpium March 17, 2022

editors of urban dictionary

People who take forever to accept or deny your definitions because they're so busy scratching their butts in their momma's basement. Either they take over a year to read and accept them or they won't read them at all and will forget their existence.

Editors of urban dictionary should get fired jk lol accept my definitions you bitches

by da_wick3d_boi96 September 4, 2018

Weaver's dictionary

The dictionary written by the weaver clan in the 21st century following the great schism with the emilys.

The 2010 Weaver's dictionary containing the word hateable

by weves October 27, 2010