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social tofu

Someone who always changes their personality to match the crowd they are hanging out with -- such as tofu taking on the flavors of the food around it.

Person 1: Jeez, does she have her own personality? She seems to have like 15 depending on the time of day..
Person 2: No man, she's social tofu, just mimicking whoever she's around at the moment.

by SarahO. December 2, 2005

51๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


Semi-Social is someone who socializes in any setting with those only that have common knowledge to that person and remains anti-social to uncommon people that they have no attraction to. Someone who is semi-social is wise with their pick of friends because they examine the person to see if they are friend or foe.

The semi-social man went in public, ignored the annoying simpletons, and engaged in a conversation with a couple of eccentric free thinkers.

by superbipolar420 May 25, 2016

17๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž

social INcast

One that is, and often should be, involved in many social gatherings, happenings and general goings-on. This individual, though frequently without effort or understanding, is the center of the party, and is, by a matter of course, always consulted before any proceeding of a social nature. This person is, by definition, the SHIT.

Kelly: Hey Stacey, let's see what Steve's doing tonight.
Stacey: Yeah, he's probably got a great party planned; what a social INcast! (Giggles uncontrollably).

by shockrafan September 6, 2007

33๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

social life

Used for when a person has to evaluate how many friends he/she has or how close they are to him/her

Good social life= lots friends
alright social life= has friends but they arent close
bad socail ife= probably no friends, or none of them will talk to you

by screwthe world February 19, 2006

166๐Ÿ‘ 57๐Ÿ‘Ž

Social Phobia

A highly debilitating mental disease in which the sufferer has an irrational fear of social situations. This may manifest itself as excessive sweating, trembling, a shaky and/or inaudibly quiet voice, facial blushing, or basically anything else that you wouldn't want to happen. This could be brought on by specific situations, such as giving a speach, or, for those of us that are extremely unlucky, anytime someone so much as glances in our general direction. While talking to a social phobic, he/she probably won't make eye contact and might talk very quietly. He or she is NOT a freak, as much as you might want to call them one.

Social Phobia is not to be confused with shyness. Shyness is an emotion that all people experience, SP is a disease for a select few.

Emotions = good
Diseases = bad

by allknowingsquid September 9, 2008

226๐Ÿ‘ 81๐Ÿ‘Ž

social tool

-Someone who practices making retarded and irrelevant comments in a social environment.
-Causes: A lack of engagement in a social situations throughout early childhood.
-Symptoms include: social isolation, constant clownage by peers left and random people that appreciate what a social tool really is.
-Treatment/Recovery: very few people have overcome this mental disorder but a temporary solution may be obtained by moving to another city or preferably another country.

Demijan Savija is an enormous social tool!!!

by genetic freak March 26, 2009

20๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Socially Inept

Unable to judge and improvise interactions with other people in a acceptable or 'normal' manner. By a mix of being too keen or plain ignorant the socially inept seem to live in their own world exempt from who they're talking to.

Josie : *Winks flirtingly*
Ben : Oh do you have something in your eye? Want me to go get you some eye drops?
Josie : You are so socially inept *walks off*

by orta therox March 26, 2008

772๐Ÿ‘ 303๐Ÿ‘Ž