A book written by a bunch of hippies, about 2000 years ago, who were smoking some serious hash at the time. Never actually figured for their text to be taken seriously.
"Hey, Josh, dude, let's put some shit in their about a guy, right?"
"Yeah, rad man, and he can be like... uh, tossed overboard into the, uh, like ocean, right?"
"Cool, and then, like... a giant fish, just like, comes up and swallows him, man."
"AWWWWH, far out man!"
"And he could then, like, chill in the fish for a few days, before it like... spits him back out, you know?"
"Chilled man."
"What should we call this book, yo?"
"How about, like, someting that sounds like Babel."
"Yeah, like the town."
"Only, bib... Bibe.... oh, The Bible!"
"Holy shit man!"
167๐ 90๐
The Bible in 50 words...
God made, Adam bit, Noah arked, Abraham split, Joseph ruled, Jacob fooled,Bush talked, Moses balked, Pharaoh plagued, people walked, sea divided, tablets guided, Promise landed, Saul freaked, David peeked, prophets warned, Jesus born, God walked, love talked, anger crucified, hope died, Love rose, Spirit flamed, Word spread, God remained.
- What other book has all the words from the Bible?
- A dictionary.
1721๐ 1056๐
The most controversial book ever. Some people find truth and happiness, some people hate it, and others kill because of it.
The Bible is what you make it.
565๐ 383๐
a bullshit book dumbass parents force their kids to read every sunday when they should be watching football
230๐ 160๐
The most famous fantasy novel in human history.
The Bible isn't even that good, LOTR is a much better fantasy novel. The Bible is quite stupid and contradicts itself a lot. I think a retard wrote it.
658๐ 512๐
If you want to see the biggest pile of horse shit in the universe, then read the bible. It`s so full of lies and absolute BULLSHIT that you begin to question why so many people have been infected by the disease that is christianity. The bible says you can`t masturbate, that`s bullshit! The bible says you can`t swear, that`s bullshit too. The bible says you can`t be gay, that`s even bigger bullshit!
Don`t read the bible because the bible is shit
Jack: You should read the bible
Fred: You expect me to buy into that fucking shit?
Jack: It`s not shit, it`s what god wanted the world to be
Fred: well your god can suck my dick
24๐ 15๐
1. The world's best selling book. This book is a fictional story with various authors. It's protagonist is named 'God'.
2. A fictional book used as 'proof' in arguments.
3. A book prejudice against Homosexual people.
4. A recipe for war and manual for acceptable murder.
5. The biggest lie in human history.
Theist: The bible has all the answers.
Atheist: oh, yeah? Who created 'God'?
Theist: No one did. He always existed.
Atheist: Yeah? Now you call yourself smart, right?
Theist: yeah.
Atheist: Okay, you believe that there's an imaginary man living in the sky. That the man can see everything that you're doing every second of your life.
Theist: ...
Atheist: This 'God' loves everyone but is as forgiving as he is cruel. He forgives rapists and murderers but will never forgive homosexuals. This is pure s***.
151๐ 119๐